Snow in Amsterdam

Through the snow, it is perhaps one of those unique ways to discover a city. Everything changes, everything takes on that magical and mystical sense. The black roofs of the city are stained white, the bicycles disappear in a white blanket of snow and nature restores tranquility to the cities.

However, it is the moment for the maximum creativity of the human being. We see people pushing their inventiveness and their bodies to the limit. People skiing through the thin layer of snow on the asphalt pulled by a car, people doing yoga with nothing but pants in the middle of the Museumplein esplanade and all kinds of locals daring everything with the already characteristic bicycles.

This is one of the most relevant snowfalls that Amsterdam has seen in the last ten years, the last of these dimensions was in 2010. However, this time we will not see the frozen canals as if it happened in 2018.

Here are some of the photographs after my morning tour of the city of canals.

We start from Museumplein where we see a person doing meditation very lightly dressed.

Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

We continue the route to the center of Amsterdam.

Each one of the streets that we are seeing seems to be taken from a fairy tale. We continue in the direction of the Anne Frank house through the Jordaan.

After 4 hours touring the city, it’s time to go home to warm up and continue enjoying the snowfall as the city turns white.

Never miss the opportunity to see a snowy city. It will totally change the conception you have about it.

Don’t miss the following posts to continue discovering the Netherlands.

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